Whether its poop in a diaper, a dog fart, or me forgetting my deodarent here is the day in the life of a single mom, her son, and their dog.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I think my baby has spidey sense

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about: ESP =Extrasensory perception

Some days I really think that kid has ESP or some sort of psychic abilities. I noticed this very early on, when Paxon would wake up at the most random times.

For example, when I used to pump, I would wait until he was asleep. After about five minutes Paxon would wake up and not put himself back to sleep. I am assuming that it is because the smell of delicious tata sauce made it back into our room and floated up his little noseholes. Or its the ESP.

To this day I have to tiptoe to the bathroom if he is taking a nap, because he will automatically wake up if I get even remotely close to his door. And I can even hold my breath and walk super light, and he still pops his eyeballs open.

At bedtime, I rock him to sleep, then put him in his crib. Since day one we have rocked to sleep, its our thing. Plus it gives me extra cuddle time :) Once he is in his crib, I go back out to the living room to have my mommy time before I go to bed. Which usually consists of Facebook and talking on the phone with my bestie. By the time I make it back into the room, his eyes are wide open and he is all smiles.

Maybe he can join Sylvia on the Montel show :)

My child is not usually a light sleeper. I can vacuum, do dishes, or anything loud really while he is sleeping. But if it has to do with me, my voice, or my tatas he knows and is instantly awake. Apparently what mom is doing is just much more important than the back of his eyeballs.

Most days I think it is super cute when I catch him awake, because I always get a super cute smile from him and then he just passes back out.

And other days he is just ready to go even after only taking a half an hour nap.

I wonder what it is that makes kids not want to nap. I would LOVE to have the opportunity to take a nap some days, and Paxon gets multiple! I constantly find myself telling him "it's OK, if anything exciting happens, I will wake you up." I have yet to find something exciting enough that he should not miss.

Sometimes though playing with your toys and taking a poop are more important then sleeping. Apparently now is the time for both.

On another note:

I wonder why my son finds it necessary to look at me, give a huge smile, then a little giggle every time after he lets out a toot. I also wonder why I find it just as funny as he does. Apparently it starts at a young age and it is a habit I am sure he will never grow out of.

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