Whether its poop in a diaper, a dog fart, or me forgetting my deodarent here is the day in the life of a single mom, her son, and their dog.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My body is going to do what?!

So I have been taking my prental vitamins for a little over a year now, and let me tell you, those babies are like magic capsules.

When I was pregnant I had the most beautiful hair. It was so thick, shiny, and soft I was in heaven. For almost 9 months I did not shed at all and I absolutely loved it. Then I had my boy, and things sure did change.

One of the downsides of not losing any hair for 9 months, is that when you do start shedding again you lose so much hair you could make enough wigs to support a small balding country. I mean, this is getting ridiculous. I am now a few days shy of 6 months postpartum, and the hair loss has gradually started to slow down. Between  months 4 and 5, I was losing so much hair that I was able to pull it out in clumps, and I had to unclog my tub drain every few days. There was hair EVERYWHERE. On the floors, in my bed, in/on my clothes, weaved through my towel(have no idea how that even happened), on Paxon's clothes, and sometimes I even found it in his hands or between his toes. My vacuum was constantly getting tangled with hair and my lint trap in my dryer looked like somebody washed my golden retriever.

Prenatals also do wonderful things for your fingernails. For the last year my nails have never been longer, or more strong. They also grow at warp speeds. I LOVE IT! Being someone with a bad nail biting habit in my past, I love the fact that I have long nails, and I don't pay a dime for them. I am constantly being asked who does my nails, and I get to reply "me".

Now toenails on the other hand, are mildly ridiculous. They too grow at warp speeds. But sometimes I feel like regular clippers just wont cut it, and want to bust out the power tools and safety googles.

I must say that I love my after baby body. Yes, there is certain things I dont always like, but then I look at my boy and realize it is all worth it.

I am not going to lie... I was a rather large woman...

This picture was taken the day before my water broke and two days before Paxon was born.

I was very lucky in my pregnancy to not have too much morning sickness, no hemmeroids, but oh boy did I get large, and did I swell. I didn't have to take my ring off until the last week of my pregnancy, and I wore flip flops from January until May.

Now almost six months later, the swelling is gone, I have lost all 60pounds(OH MY GOD!) that I had gained, and can now wear regular jeans in my pre pregnancy size. I am left with wider hips, temporarily bigger boobs, a linea nigra that lightens more everyday, and stretchmarks on my stomach and thighs. I love it all. I may not have the best looking body out there, but I do have the best lookin boy. And all of the stretching and widening is a reminder to how hard I worked for that boy. Its a reminder of going into the doctor's office or labor and delivery 5 or 6 times a week for a month straight to have my blood pressure monitored, the 23.5 hours of labor I went through to bring him here, the pushing for over 3 hours only to have him get stuck, going through a c-section and having to recover and take care of him all by myself with no help(except when my mom came into town), and how much love I have for him.

Mom's embrace your post baby body, because not everyone has the opportunity to go through what we did. Making another human and bringing them into this world is one of the greatest gifts we have. Embrace it!

Because a face like this makes everything worth it

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