Whether its poop in a diaper, a dog fart, or me forgetting my deodarent here is the day in the life of a single mom, her son, and their dog.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

It snowed, does that mean I can turn on the Christmas Music?

So yesterday about an hour after Paxon and I woke up, I looked outside and saw SNOW!!! Oh I was so excited, I started jumping around the house and screaming IT SNOWED IT SNOWED! Paxon and the dog were looking at me like I was crazy, I think they have figured out my secret.

I then got Paxon dressed like we were going on a trek through Antarctica. Fleece pants, a long sleeved shirt, two pairs of socks, a fleece jacket(with the hood up), a pair of mittens, a hat, and his big Columbia fleece snow suit(with the hood up too). He looked like a brown Michelin Man.

Now if you look very close you will see NO SNOW. It was coming down in really small flakes, and melting when it hit the ground. I may have overreacted just a smidge to Paxon seeing his first snow. The entire time we were outside he was looking at me with the same face, probably wondering why the hell he was dressed like that, and mad because he couldn't move.

All day I fought the urge to turn on the Christmas music. I wanted to SOOOOO bad, but since there was no snow on the ground, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Then around 4, I realize that the snow is really coming down, and its going to stay. So we hurry and run into town to get a few things, because being from Fairbanks Alaska, I know how people drive the first few days after the first snow, and we aren't going anywhere.

By the time we made it home it was a winter wonderland!!! I was in heaven. I couldn't wait to re-bundle Paxon(minus a few layers cause it really isn't that cold) and take him outside. So that is just what I did.

For having a mom that really doesn't do nature, this kid loves to be outside! I put him on his sled and pulled him around the front yard, and the whole time he was giggling and blowing raspberries. 

Today I can no longer fight the urge...

 I started a fire, and as I type this I am singing along to Bing Crosby.

The bad part is, I know where the Christmas decorations are, and it is physically painful to me that I am not putting them up. Last year I was decorating my tree and hanging stockings as trick or treaters came to the door. And the tree and stockings stayed up until around February. Hey it was only a 3ft tree so it wasn't in the way too bad. I was planning on decorating it for every holiday just so I could keep it up.

I will resist the urge to decorate though, as my parents will be here for Thanksgiving(19 days woohoo!), and we are all going to decorate the house and tree together, so that Paxon can see how it is really done.

I LOOOOOOVE Christmas.

I love the smells, how your house just feels warm and cozy, and most importantly I love being around my family. Last year was one of the best Christmas' I've had in a long time. My entire family was here, and that hadn't happened in 10-15 years if not longer.

This year, I don't know if we all will be together, I hope so as it is Paxon's first Christmas. Either way I know it will surpass last years' because Santa is coming for the first time for Paxon, and I know he will love all of the decorations. Plus he will get too see his two favorite people, his Grandma and Grandpa.

If it was up to Paxon though we would be leaving Santa a glass of breast milk and a baby mum mum!!!

So everyone, turn up your Christmas music, put on your Santa hat, and dance around naked! (If you own a pair of elf shoes, I am going to request you put those on as well)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Christmas too. We rarely get a white Christmas though. Can't wait to hear more about your decorating and seeing more pictures of you guys in the spirit!
